Entertainment: Clubbing & Gambling

In a world where we find ourselves ever more overwhelmed by—and drawn to—bright images and flashing screens, music, parties and so on..  it is worth asking a few questions about that most important of consumer goods: entertainment. What makes entertainment entertaining? Why do we need it, or do we? What is entertainment, anyway? Entertainment is the thing that we find pleasure in doing it also helps removed stress and pressure.

In PNG Youths have a serious problem when it comes to Entertainment such has Clubbing and Gambling. Youths in Universities, Colleges, Primary Institutions too, are involve in Clubbing and Gambling which is a chaos in the country. Clubbing increase the risk of having unprotected sex, taking DRUG/Marijuana, violence and a waste of money while Gambling increases the risk of violence, prostitution’s and also a waste of money too.

  • What do you think should be done about it? 
  •  Should the PNG Government do something about the number of night clubs in the country?
  • How do Entertainment such has Clubbing & Gambling affects your relationship with your partner?


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